Through early work with the steering group New Milton has begun to shape policy areas for the review of the New Milton Neighbourhood Plan. This includes reviewing the existing policies.

At a later stage, a public consultation will be available from this page. For now, you can see the policy areas being explored listed below.

A Spatial Plan for New Milton

Diversifying Housing

Water tower and rooves across new milton skyline

Land East of Caird Avenue

Design Quality

New Milton Town Centre Regeneration

Cultural and Community Hub and War Memorial Recreation Ground

Health and Wellbeing Centre

Business and Innovation Centre

Buidings of Local Heritage and Townscape Value

Mitigating Effects on European Sites

Walking and Cycling

Barton on Sea

The Rural Areas in the National Park



Early Years Facilities


Connecting the Town


Addressing the Performance Gap

Maintaining and Enhancing the Conservation Area

Local Shops

Brownfield Sites

Area of Special Character